Gomez Trial Attorneys and Chimicles & Tikellis LLP have filed one of the first 2014 Sony Data Breach class action lawsuits in the country.
Gomez Trial Attorneys and Chimicles & Tikellis LLP have filed one of the first 2014 Sony Data Breach class action lawsuits in the country, claiming Sony failed to take reasonable steps to protect confidential information from outside hackers who sought to prevent the release of Sony’s movie “The Interview,” starring James Franco and Seth Rogen. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in the Central District of California by a former Sony employee on behalf of all Sony employees whose private information has been breached.
This is not the first time Sony’s data has been breached by outside hackers, including a data breach in 2011. In 2007, Jason Spralto, then Sony’s executive director of information, was quoted by CIO magazine stating it was a “valid business decision to accept the risk” of an outside data security breach, further commenting he would not invest $10 million to avoid a potential $1 million loss. Earlier this year, Sony agreed to settle the 2011 data breach class action for $15 million.
The subject data most likely includes information such as social security numbers, HIPAA-protected medical information, salary and other income-related information, confidential emails, and other private and confidential information. Gomez Trial Attorneys and Chimicles & Tikellis LLP continue to review the cases of former and current Sony employees who may have been affected.