Gomez Trial Attorneys

September 2021

Why Do Tanker Truck Accidents Present Unique Dangers in San Diego?

San Diego is no stranger to tanker truck accidents. A tanker truck headed to the tank farm in Mission Valley takes a corner or a curve too quickly, overturning and spilling fuel on the ground. Environmental damage isn’t the only risk of this scenario. With the presence of sports stadiums in the area—previously the Jack

Why Do Tanker Truck Accidents Present Unique Dangers in San Diego? Read More »

How to Deal With Accidents Involving San Diego Dump and Garbage Trucks

San Diego is home to more than half a million homes and over 85,000 businesses, and the city only expects to grow in the coming decades. All the residents and businesses in San Diego create waste that trash service companies collect regularly. This requires garbage trucks to travel busy arterial roadways and residential roadways in

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What Causes so Many San Diego Motorcycle Accidents?

When you ride your motorcycle in San Diego, accidents occur when you least expect them. Distracted, impaired, and speeding motorists can make even a short trip dangerous. Even when you drive with care, a single impact collision can be destructive enough to send you to the emergency room. Motorcycle accidents don’t always cause severe injuries,

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