Gomez Trial Attorneys

Author name: webmaster

Exactech Knee, Hip, & Ankle Recall Lawsuit

5 Reasons Why It Is in Your Interest To Undergo a Medical Evaluation After an Injury

Experiencing injuries from an accident can be disorienting, and amidst the distress, some may opt to postpone or overlook a comprehensive medical evaluation. However, getting this examination done is hugely beneficial — for both your immediate health outcomes and potentially significant legal reasons that could surface later. The following are five of the most important […]

5 Reasons Why It Is in Your Interest To Undergo a Medical Evaluation After an Injury Read More »

Who Is Responsible for Road Debris Damage in California?

California’s busy roads and highways have inherent risk, especially when traveling at high speeds on the freeway and when traversing the state’s chaotic urban centers. To the surprise of most drivers, road debris is just as much of a threat to automobiles as other motor vehicle operators. Many often wonder who is responsible for road

Who Is Responsible for Road Debris Damage in California? Read More »

7 Examples of Subtle Yet Very Real Forms of Sexual Harassment at Work

Sexual harassment doesn’t have to take the form of catcalling or overtly sexual comments. Nor does sexual harassment always include physical contact such as touching or groping. There are subtle yet legitimate forms of sexual harassment that some people are unaware of. If you experience any of the subtle forms of sexual harassment as detailed

7 Examples of Subtle Yet Very Real Forms of Sexual Harassment at Work Read More »

How Autonomous Cars Change Liability in an Accident

With the introduction of autonomous vehicles comes a major shift in understanding liability in the event of an accident. Traditional concepts like driver fault are now entangled with questions about technical failure or software malfunctions. Before self-driving technology emerged on public roads, identifying vehicle accident culpability mainly depended upon demonstrating negligent or unsafe driving behavior

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How to File a Car Accident Claim Against State Farm

Does a Car Crash Caused by a Tire Blowout Create Legal Liability?

A tire blowout can ruin your day in the blink of an eye. That’s because these unexpected explosions of rubber and steel-belted radials can result in a driver immediately losing control of their vehicle and causing a serious accident. When a car crash happens due to a tire blowout, does this create legal liability? And,

Does a Car Crash Caused by a Tire Blowout Create Legal Liability? Read More »

Can I Sue Lyft After an Accident With Their Driver?

Accidents with rideshare vehicles are not exactly the same as accidents with non-corporate passenger vehicles. Though rideshare drivers work for corporations such as Lyft, they are classified as independent contractors. If you are involved in an accident with such a vehicle, you might consider suing Lyft or another overarching corporation such as Uber. Suing Lyft

Can I Sue Lyft After an Accident With Their Driver? Read More »