San Diego NFL Concussion Lawyer
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San Diego NFL Concussion Lawyer
I played college football. I was not as gifted as you and I never had the opportunity to play in the NFL but I love and respect the game. I understand your reluctance to stand in opposition to a game that was a big part of your life but I believe you and your family have suffered and you deserve answers and assistance.
I have represented many individuals who have suffered mild traumatic brain injury. Despite the name, there is nothing mild about the effect it can have on your life. My clients are unable to sleep. They suffer memory loss and memory difficulties. They struggle to concentrate and often develop pervasive depression that they just can’t shake. I have been able to successfully explain their reality to juries which allows me to get them the financial and medical assistance they deserve. In a recent case result we won a $7.5 million dollar verdict in an MTBI case against Starbucks after turning down a $75,000 settlement offer.
I believe in the legal process and I’d like the opportunity to see the information we are learning about concussion management aired in a courtroom. I have a successful law practice and I am not chasing NFL players and trying to sign up hundreds of clients. I was asked to represent a number of well respected NFL veterans with substantial playing careers. Although they were reluctant to oppose the NFL, they are concerned about their health and their families’ futures.
If you are a retired player who had a long career and you are looking for an attorney who will represent you with discretion and professionalism, I encourage you to fill out our form. I personally speak with each and every client before agreeing to represent them and I will be in touch immediately to schedule a meeting.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, concussions or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) can occur from a blow to the head or a blow to the body that causes the head to move quickly back and forth. The CDC says that even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. While MRI and CAT scans are often normal, an individual who has suffered MTBI typically has difficulty sleeping; as well as various cognitive problems such as headache, difficulty thinking, memory problems, attention deficits, mood swings , frustration and depression.
Many former players are suffering from insomnia, short term memory loss, concentration problems and even depression. They believe the NFL had a duty to share the risks of sports concussions and “dings” so that they could have made more informed decisions about when to return to play and the risks posed to their health and future. Additionally, many former players have questions about the NFL’s actions surrounding concussion research in the 1990s, the NFL’s relationship with Riddell helmets, the NFL’s lack of uniform concussion management policies and the NFL’s use of team physicians who were employed by ownership and not well educated in concussion management.
It is important that former players act quickly. The law allows only a set amount of time to bring a cause of action for injury. Most similar lawsuits have a two year window to file a law suit from the time the injured individual had reasonable knowledge of the injury.
The NFL first changed its stance on the effects of MTBI/ concussion and began to acknowledge and warn players of the potential for permanent harm from concussion in July 2010. To avoid attempts by the NFL to exclude plaintiffs, any players with symptoms should file as soon as possible.
If you have symptoms of MTBI and you want to protect your future, the most important decision you will make is who to hire as your attorney. The NFL is a large and powerful organization. This litigation will be costly and complicated. It is important to hire an attorney who has been successful in federal court and against large corporations like the NFL. It is also important to hire an attorney who has successfully tried multiple MTBI cases and won large jury verdicts as well as large settlements. Lastly, the attorney should take your case on “contingency;” meaning the expenses and attorneys fees will be paid only if there is a successful verdict or settlement. It is important to hire an attorney with the financial resources and determination to “stay in the game” and fight a long, expensive battle on your behalf. If you have further questions, please call 619.237.3490 for a free consultation.
- For decades the medical community knew that repeated blows to the head caused long term brain damage in boxers.
- In 1994 after a string of incidents, the NFL decided to research MTBI and its effects. Strangely, Commissioner Tagliabue named a rheumatologist (Dr. Pellman), not a neurologist, to run the study. Dr. Pellman admitted that prior to the study most team physicians relied on “on-field anecdotes” to treat concussions and the purpose of the study was to provide facts and direction for team physicians.
- Strangely, the results of the NFL’s research contradicted commonplace concussion management protocols and other research being conducted by neurologists across the country. The NFL’s published findings stated that concussions “were not serious injuries” and doctors should use their discretion rather than follow an “arbitrary, rigid” concussion management system. This shocked many in the medical community and contradicted NCAA studies and practices.
- Beginning in 2002, autopsies of former players’ brains showed an unusual build up of dangerous proteins believed to be the result of repeated concussions and sub-concussive events. The condition, named CTE, is marked by memory loss, insomnia, speech difficulties, impulse control and depression. Researchers notified the NFL and published their findings.
- In 2007, the NFL published its own brochures for players that stated that research “has not shown that having more than one or two concussions leads to permanent problems if each injury is managed properly.” The brochure did not mention the research on CTE and NFL sponsored researchers continued to dispute that concussions caused brain damage in dead players.
- In 2009, Congress held hearings on the NFL’s management of concussions. The fact that the NFL funded its own research that stood in such contrast to what mainstream medicine understood about MTBI/concussions led Congress to compare the NFL’s actions to the tobacco industry of the 1990s.
- In July 2010, less than one year after denying that concussions can lead to permanent damage, the NFL dramatically changed course. They put up posters in locker rooms that cautioned its players that multiple concussions could cause permanent brain damage, memory loss, personality changes, depression and dementia. Concussions, the posters said, “can change your life and your family’s life forever.”
- As more information comes to light, over 2,000 players have filed suit. Gomez Trial Attorneys is representing players with substantial NFL careers who want their case handled with discretion and professionalism.
Recently a master complaint was filed in federal court, combining dozens of existing lawsuits against the NFL. The NFL is being accused of failing to provide information linking football-related head injuries to permanent memory loss, brain damage, and other long-term health issues related to concussions. You can click this image above to download this document.
We are one of very few law firms in the country to have actually taken so called “mild traumatic brain injury” cases to trial before juries. Our results speak for themselves. In one case, we obtained a verdict of 12.3 million dollars for a man and his wife. In another recent trial, we obtained a verdict of 7.5 million dollars for a man and his wife. In that case, the man slipped and fell at a Starbucks. He declined medical services and drove himself home. A doctor the next day diagnosed a concussion. He continued to suffer from fatigue, depression and confusion. Starbucks’ doctors said he should have recovered. The pre-trial offer was only $75,000. The jury verdict of $7.5 million was 100 times the pre-trial offer. The verdict included $1,000,000 to his wife for the harm to their relationship. A substantial portion of our practice is devoted to representing victims of “mild” traumatic brain injury.
That experience sets us apart. We know how to spot the symptoms. We know the medicine and we know the science. Most importantly, we know how to present these cases to juries. We take the time to understand what you are going through. And we can get you the very best result possible.
It takes a special set of resources and skills to take on an organization as big as the NFL. The league is well-financed and can afford to hire the best lawyers available. We know because we have been there. Our founder, John Gomez, graduated from Yale, the nation’s top ranked law firm. He started out representing Fortune 500 companies and then worked as a federal prosecutor. We have sat on the other side of the table. Since then, we have taken on the very biggest companies in the world: Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Pizza Hut, Starbucks . . . . we don’t care. We have the background, experience and resources to fight for you all the way through trial. And we won’t charge you anything unless and until we win your case. For this fight, you need the best. And that’s us.
Our lead NFL attorney, John Gomez, played four years of intercollegiate football at the University of San Diego. He was named an Academic All American his senior year and signed a contract to play in Europe before deciding to give up the game for law. Athletes understand athletes. And John understands football better than most attorneys. We think that you will enjoy working with him and his team of attorneys.
Our lawyers have recovered over $400 million in verdicts and settlements with more than 50 separate recoveries of $1 million or more. We advance all costs and only charge a fee if we win your case. We like it that way. It ensures that we are on the same team with our clients. And we get paid only if we perform. We are as competitive and driven about the law as you are about football. We would be humbled to help you and your family. Contact us today.
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550+ 5 Star Reviews
“John helped me find doctors, he referred me to his neurologist, his physical therapist, I mean, anything I needed he was right there, every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked for a better result from all of this, I would absolutely recommend Gomez Trial Attorneys.”
“During the time I was working with Gomez Trial Attorneys, they treated me very, very well. 100% of the time, they believed me, and they were very compassionate. They felt sorry for what happened and they understood the therapy process.”
“They held my hand the whole time and kept me in the loop every aspect of my case which was very refreshing to me. They helped me get my settlement offer as fast as possible and I was able to keep my farm”
“The Gomez experience was the best experience it could be for me really, only positive things to say. They really were there every step if the way. Thanks to Gomez Trial Attorneys my dad is able to support my family as a single father”
“He opened the door for me to join his firm to help other brain Injury survivors and I never met another firm who is like this who was so understanding and caring who took the extra step and walked the extra mile with their clients and this is the best”
“I am very satisfied with the outcome with Gomez and I would definitely recommend Gomez to anybody, we tell people all the time, Get Gomez! They are really thorough with everything and they make you feel real comfortable.”
“Just helped us through, guided us through, I kept notes all those years, we had questions all the time and they would always keep us informed of what was going on. They just unlayered it, layer by layer, I’ve never seen anything like them. Thank God for them.”