Santee Brain Injury Lawyers
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Santee Brain Injury Lawyers
A brain injury can happen in a second and change your life—or the life of a loved one—forever. The ability to communicate, to collect and store memories, and to enjoy our favorite foods is something we all take for granted. A serious brain injury turns your world upside down, often requiring patients to relearn basic skills. So-called “mild” brain injuries can change your life just as drastically.
The aftermath of a brain injury can leave you and your family in serious physical, financial, and emotional stress. If you or a loved one experienced a serious brain injury due to no fault of your own, contact our California brain injury attorneys without delay.
Why You Need a Santee Personal Injury Attorney
Insurance companies like to settle claims quickly, and for the least amount of money possible. The emotional time following a serious accident is no time to accept an initial settlement offer. Should you sign documents accepting the offer, you may forfeit your opportunity to pursue civil action later should your medical condition worsen.
Trying to negotiate with insurance companies on your own is a bad idea. Their representatives are too skilled at what they do to take on alone. By attempting to handle your claim without legal representation, you may miss out on the compensation you need and deserve.
The Gomez Trial Attorneys are well-aware of the tactics insurance companies use to deny or delay a claim. If we are unable to reach a fair out-of-court settlement, we are ready and willing to go to trial.
Time is of the essence so don’t delay. The California statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years. While 24 months may seem like a long time, it can pass quickly when you are dealing with a serious brain injury.
Reviewing the details of your case takes time. Gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and reading police reports are all essential parts of your case. The Gomez Trial Attorneys offer free case evaluations, meaning you have nothing to lose by contacting us. Should we decide to move forward with litigation, there is no fee unless we collect damages for you.
Common Causes of Serious Brain Injuries
The human brain is a complex organ that while protected by the skull, can still experience a serious injury. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a bump, blow, jolt, or penetrating head injury that disrupts normal brain function.
Common causes of serious brain injuries include:
Slip and falls – According to the CDC, slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. When you experience a slip and fall accident while visiting a favorite restaurant or shop, the accident becomes one of premises liability.
Premises liability refers to the fact that you visited the restaurant, shop, or other property by accepting an invitation by the owner. If the owner has a responsibility to use reasonable care to protect visitors from harm when visiting their property.
Examples of slip and fall accidents that are preventable with due care include:
- A wet and slippery floor due to a continuous and unrepaired roof leak.
- A staircase with no handrail.
- A parking lot with broken lights.
- Potholes or unsafe sidewalks in disrepair.
- Torn carpet or extension cords across the floor.
Failing to correct a known safety hazard due to poor management, laziness, or the desire to save money is inexcusable. If you or a loved one experienced a serious head injury due to a negligent property owner, you deserve justice. Holding the property owner accountable for their failure to protect you from harm may just prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.
Car accidents – The impact of a violent car crash can result in a serious brain injury. The CDC lists motor vehicle accidents as the second leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, second only to falls. A car accident can result in a brain injury and other injuries, such as broken bones and spinal cord damage.
With more than 26 million licensed drivers and an additional 42 million visitors per year, California city streets and highways bustle with both safe—and dangerous—drivers. No matter how defensively you drive, there is always someone whose negligent actions place you in harm’s way. Here are just a few reckless behaviors other drivers engage in on a daily basis:
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- Distracted driving
- Aggressive driving/road rage
- Drowsy driving
No one should experience a life-changing injury on their way to work or the store. Always seek medical attention immediately when involved in a serious accident. A brain injury like that of a concussion can exhibit delay symptoms. Your headache may signal a more serious health problem that requires prompt attention from a medical professional.
Sports injuries – Sports-related concussions are most common among ages 9 to 22 when team sports are the most popular. Although an often underreported segment of head injuries, sports-related concussion statistics are alarming. Experts estimate that between 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related traumatic brain injuries occur every year. Research finds that female athletes receive a brain injury diagnosis at a higher rate than males. When it comes to sports head injuries you commonly hear the injury being referred to as a CTE. To learn more about how to prevent a CTE and what it is speak to an experienced attorney.
Acts of violence – Gun violence is one example of a penetrating head injury. Other acts of violence may involve domestic partners or criminals who use other types of weapons that result in a traumatic brain injury. If your head injury resulted due to an act of violence, you retain the right to pursue a civil claim. Criminal charges and case outcomes have no bearing on your civil litigation for damages.
Unlike broken bones that tend to heal with time, there is often limited or no full recovery from a serious brain injury. The devastating changes you experience or witness in your loved one can lead to feelings of outrage. Knowing the brain injury was preventable, had another person taken the same level of care as you, is extremely frustrating. Discussing your case with a personal injury attorney who specialized in brain injury claims is a smart idea for learning more about your options for possible compensation.
The Gomez Trial Attorneys work with clients who, like you, experienced a life-changing injury. We understand the financial and emotional stress associated with a brain injury. Our attorneys aggressively pursue the compensation on your behalf. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury due to the negligence of another person, contact us for a free case evaluation.
How a Brain Injury Can Change Your Loved One
The brain is a three-pound complex organ that helps us to perform a variety of tasks. When the brain suffers a devastating injury, it can negatively affect you or your loved one in the following ways:
Cognitive function – Patients who suffer a serious brain injury often experience problems with memory and thinking skills. Their inability to make decisions is why they need someone advocating for them when it comes to important medical and legal matters.
Motor function – A traumatic brain injury can greatly affect the muscles, balance, and coordination. Physical therapy may help patients, however, patients with a severe TBI may require a power chair for mobility. High-end power chairs cost thousands of dollars and need replacing every few years. Home modifications for accommodating a power chair also reach into the thousands of dollars. Accessible transportation for medical appointments often requires a modified van or other types of vehicles.
The costs associated with a traumatic brain injury never go away—they only grow throughout the years. No one should pay out-of-pocket expenses that result due to the negligence of another person.
Sensations – It is easy to take sensations for granted until a brain injury disrupts the ability to process them. Losing the ability to sense touch or changes in vision, hearing, or taste is another potential outcome from such an injury.
Emotional/behavioral changes – Perhaps the most difficult change to witness is the change in personality. You’re once easy-going loved one may now exhibit signs of anger and depression. The effects of their brain injury may indicate that they will never return to the person you remember before the accident.
Their injury may require 24-hour care that you simply are unable to provide for them at home. Placing your loved one in a skilled nursing facility isn’t an easy decision. A quality facility that meets your loved one’s needs is expensive. Average costs for a private room in a California skilled nursing facility can range from $8,300 to $9,800 per month.
A severe brain injury can prevent an accident victim from representing their best interests. Serving as your loved one’s advocate is one way you can help protect their financial future. Their need for quality medical care will most likely follow them for the rest of their life. Securing legal representation is a smart idea for pursuing justice and possible compensation for damages.
Call Gomez Trial Attorneys if You Suffered a Brain Injury in Santee
A brain injury is one of the most devastating types of injuries one can experience. This type of injury is especially devastating when it occurs due to the negligent actions of another person. Their lack of care for protecting others from harm is unacceptable.
The Gomez Trial Attorneys are proud to represent those who fight hard to relearn skills and to adjust to their new way of life. We keep the doors of communication open for our clients so you never have to wonder about the status of your case.
Pursuing justice takes time. There is no quick fix or easy answer for either your injury or your personal injury claim. Knowing you have a legal team working to protect your best interests can afford you the peace-of-mind you need during this difficult time.
The suddenness of a fall, a car accident, a sports injury, or an act of violence catches you off guard. There is no way to prepare for something you didn’t see coming. In the event you did see an out-of-control car headed your way, chances are there was little you could do to avoid the crash.
A traumatic brain injury can prevent you from ever having another conversation with your loved one. The impact on your loved one’s psychological health and the emotional toll on your family is hard to witness and to experience.
While no amount of money can ever return your life to normal, it can help alleviate your financial burden. A serious accident results in time missed from work and in some cases, a patient may never return to a career they once enjoyed.
The negligent actions of a property owner, reckless driver, or others can change your life in an instant. If you or a loved one experienced a serious brain injury due to no fault of your own, you deserve justice. While each case is different, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
The clock starts ticking the moment the accident happens. It is imperative to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible No matter how friendly insurance company representatives act toward you, protect your best interests and don’t speak with them.
The Gomez Trial Attorneys will review your case for free. We also work on a contingency-fee basis, meaning there is no fee unless we secure compensation for you. You have nothing to lose by discussing your case with our legal team.
A brain injury is a serious matter that demands medical care for years. Rehabilitation and the need for personal care far exceed anyone’s budget. If you or a loved one experienced a serious brain injury in Santee due to the negligence of a person, business, or product, call (866) 395-6792 or contact us online. Protect your financial future by learning more about your options for a personal injury claim. Don’t let your brain injury or that of your loved one go without justice.
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550+ 5 Star Reviews
“John helped me find doctors, he referred me to his neurologist, his physical therapist, I mean, anything I needed he was right there, every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked for a better result from all of this, I would absolutely recommend Gomez Trial Attorneys.”
“During the time I was working with Gomez Trial Attorneys, they treated me very, very well. 100% of the time, they believed me, and they were very compassionate. They felt sorry for what happened and they understood the therapy process.”
“They held my hand the whole time and kept me in the loop every aspect of my case which was very refreshing to me. They helped me get my settlement offer as fast as possible and I was able to keep my farm”
“The Gomez experience was the best experience it could be for me really, only positive things to say. They really were there every step if the way. Thanks to Gomez Trial Attorneys my dad is able to support my family as a single father”
“He opened the door for me to join his firm to help other brain Injury survivors and I never met another firm who is like this who was so understanding and caring who took the extra step and walked the extra mile with their clients and this is the best”
“I am very satisfied with the outcome with Gomez and I would definitely recommend Gomez to anybody, we tell people all the time, Get Gomez! They are really thorough with everything and they make you feel real comfortable.”
“Just helped us through, guided us through, I kept notes all those years, we had questions all the time and they would always keep us informed of what was going on. They just unlayered it, layer by layer, I’ve never seen anything like them. Thank God for them.”