Gomez Trial Attorneys

Does a Brain Injury Set the Stage for Disability Qualification?

An unaddressed brain injury can have a devastating impact on your daily life. NFL players, military veterans, and even children have reported significant difficulty performing tasks that used to be easy for them on account of severe physical trauma. Does a brain injury set the stage for your disability qualification, though?

Yes, you may have the right to apply for disability support if you find yourself contending with a severe brain injury. Moreover, you can file a personal injury claim against the party responsible for your accident to demand the compensation you need to recover.

Gomez Trial Attorneys have distinguished themselves in the San Diego area as helpful hands in the face of severe accidents. Our San Diego brain injury attorneys can help you fight back after car accidents, slips, and other personal injury accidents. You can connect with our team today to learn more about California statutes that can help you recover from a serious brain injury.

Recognizing a Serious Brain Injury

There’s no such thing as a mild traumatic brain injury. While medical professionals can refer to some concussions as “mild,” these injuries still put cognition at risk, particularly if you don’t take steps to address the trauma. If you think you or someone you know may be dealing with a concussion, it’s in your best interest to contact emergency care specialists as soon as you can.

Symptoms of a concussion typically include:

  • Difficulty forming coherent thoughts
  • Dizziness
  • Poor coordination
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Unusual lethargy
  • Rapid mood swings
  • Increased sensitivity to light and noise

It can be difficult for someone dealing with a traumatic brain injury to recognize these symptoms as cause for concern. If you’re caring for someone who you think may have a concussion, you can call emergency responders on their behalf to get them the care they need to recover.

Medical Specialists Can Help You Set the Stage for Disability Qualification

Medical professionals do more than get you back on your feet after a serious brain injury. The experts working in San Diego also make note of the circumstances that led to your accident as well as the severity of your losses. You can use their professional opinions to emphasize your right to disability coverage. You may even have the opportunity to submit your findings to a civil judge in a fight for accident compensation.

With that in mind, consider reaching out to medical professionals as soon as you can after an accident. Even if you aren’t detecting any symptoms of a brain injury, medical professionals can help you get ahead of delayed-onset symptoms.

What To Do After You’re Diagnosed With a Brain Injury

You can’t accuse the person responsible for your traumatic brain injury of criminal negligence. After you apply for disability in California, though, you can work with Gomez Trial Law to bring information about your accident forward in civil court. The civil system can help you fight for compensation based on the losses you can tie to another person’s negligence.

If you want to hold another party legally accountable for your recovery, our traumatic brain injury lawyers in San Diego can do the following.

Find the Evidence You Need To Assign Fault

You can’t accuse someone else of owing you money for a traumatic brain injury if you don’t have proof tying them to your losses. If you’re in the process of treating a concussion, though, you may not have the freedom to go back to the scene of an accident to gather the evidence relevant to your case. That’s where we come in. Our San Diego traumatic brain injury attorneys can secure the evidence you need to bring a concussion claim forward in civil court, including:

  • Bystander reports
  • Medical reports
  • A police report
  • Physical data and debris
  • Photos from before and after your accident

Our team can also ask our professional contacts to contribute their expert testimony to your case. That testimony can make it easier for you to demand the financial support you need to get your life back.


What Accidents Commonly Cause Brain Injuries?

Most concussions and other brain injuries stem from unchecked negligence or recklessness. For example, contact sports tend to put players at a higher risk for concussions and brain injuries. Coaches, however, are supposed to step in and prevent players from endangering one another.

Coaches who fail to protect their players or provide those players with suitable protective gear can take the blame for the traumatic head injuries that develop on the field of play.

These conditions can also result from:

  • Head-on car accidents
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Slips and falls
  • Violent crimes and self-defense

There are rare instances wherein the nature of a survivor’s accident may complicate a brain injury or concussion. If, for example, you get into a car accident and have to deal with whiplash on top of cognitive trauma, medical professionals may recommend that you participate in a longer recovery regimen.

If you find yourself facing serious economic and physical limitations after a brain injury, don’t worry. Disability support in California can help you contend with the financial fallout of your condition. You can also meet with a San Diego traumatic brain injury lawyer to discuss how to fight for accident compensation in civil court.

What Losses Can You Include in a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim?

Filing a brain injury claim with San Diego’s civil courts allows you to request a traumatic brain injury settlement that meets or exceeds the value of your losses. Before you can make your demands, though, you need to calculate the value of your case. Our team can help you find the total dollar value of traumatic brain injury losses like the following:

  • Ambulance fees
  • Emergency room bills
  • Long-term medical care
  • Pain management and at-home assistance
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical therapy
  • Property damage

Gomez Trial Law has secured millions in financial support for traumatic brain injury survivors. You can book a free case assessment with our team today to learn more about the financial support you deserve in the wake of your recent losses.

We’ve Won Millions for Survivors Like You

Brain injuries can leave you with expenses that disability coverage can’t help you pay. If you want to get ahead of your bills, you can work with San Diego’s personal injury lawyers to hold a negligent party responsible for your injuries. The legal professionals with Gomez Trial Law can help you file a brain injury claim with California’s civil judges before your statute of limitations runs out.

For help building your claim, contact Gomez Trial Lawyers today for a free consultation by calling 866-TRIAL LAW (866-874-2552) or by contacting us online. Your brain injury case evaluation comes free of charge and lets you get to know our team.

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